Natural Remedies for Feline Arthritis

Relieve your cat’s arthritis the natural way with these holistic remedies. Because cats love to jump and run – sometimes even for no apparent rea…

Best Hairball Control Products for Cats

EWWWWWW, gross - a hairball! Don't you wish you could get rid of them? If you're sick of them, try one of these best hairball control products for cats.

Dr. Jean Hofve Shares Valuable Feline Nutrition Tips

What's in your kitty's bowl? If you're interested in feeding your cat a holistic diet, Dr. Jean Hofve is the vet to go to about feline nutrition.

Hypoallergenic Cats – Do They Really Exist?

Tired of sniffling and sneezing, but love cats? You've heard rumors about hypoallergenic cats... but are these types of kitties fact or fiction?

Shelter Cats Are Learning To High Five for the Best Reason Ever

In effort to increase feline adoption rates and raise funding for shelters across the country, Cat Pawsitive program introduces rescue kitties to training.

Cat Owners Who Feed Their Pets Vegan Diet Could Face Fines or Jail Tim

While there might be good intentions behind a vegan dietary switch, imposing a meat-free diet on a cat is an act of animal cruelty, the UK charity warns.

Michigan Town Elects Sweet Tart The Cat To Run Kitty Hall

A small northern Michigan town has decided that they’ve had enough with the human politicians and are letting cats, dogs, goats and even chickens have…

Cat Grass and Safe Alternatives

Cat grass, yard grass… the moment decent weather hits their inner Holstein kicks in and they’re chowing down on the green stuff every chance they get.

Discussing The Truth About Cat Food

Do you really know what goes into your cat's food? We chatted with the folks at to learn more about what our cats are eating.

Crazy Cat Maze Proves Cats Can Make Humans Do ANYthing [Video]

When you want to celebrate International Cat Day in the most hella way possible, whaddya do? Well, build a crazy cardboard cat maze, of course!

Best Litter Box Furniture

Hide your kitty litter box in plain sight as a piece of furniture. Here's our picks for the best litter box furniture.�

Understanding Your Cat’s Heat Cycle

If your kitty isn't spayed, you can expect your female cat to go through heat cycles. Let's talk about what it is and what to expect.

Is It Normal for Cats to Snore?

It's not unusual of hearing about dogs who like to cut logs while they get their beauty sleep. But what about cats - is it normal for kitties to snore?

6 Gratifying Reasons To Adopt A Senior Cat

Sure, kittens are cute, but senior cats come fully equipped with priceless pet experience! Here's why you shouldn't overlook these shelter gems.

Feline Health: Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

Don't write off your cat's unusual behavior as a cry for attention - it could be a cry for help! These symptoms could signal a serious health problem.

The C.A.T.S. Are Out Of the Bag and ALL Over the Subway!

A kickstarter-turned-revolution has replaced advertisements in a London subway with pictures of adorable cats who are looking for homes. Meow!

Follow Your Cat Wherever He Goes With Weenect Cat GPS

Cats often follow where their curiosity dictates - wouldn't it be amazing if you could follow along with him? Thanks to the Weenect Cat GPS, now you can!

Best Cat Products That’ll Keep Your Kitty Occupied For Hours

With so many products on the market designed to keep your cat happy, you can rest assured that your friend will never get bored, even when you aren't home.

Kitten Cuddle At Charlotte Airport Is A Purr-fect Pre-flight Treat

The Charlotte Douglas International Airport in North Carolina honored International Cat Day in just about the best way possible–their first ever Kitten…

Why Do Cats Meow at Night?

Let me sing you the song of my people... as soon as you tuck in for the night! Let's get to the bottom of why cats meow at night.

6 Tips On Living With Cat Allergies

If your eyes are itching and you can't stop sneezing, these could be the signs of cat allergies. We've got some tips that will help keep them under control!

What You Should Know About Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

When it comes to Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease, a small problem can turn serious quickly. Here's what you need to know about this health risk.

Pawsitively Awesome Back-To-School Supplies

A new year of school is about to begin, so it's time for back-to-school shopping. Ensure you snag a spot with the in-crowd with pet-related school supplies.

Top 10 Friendliest Cat Breeds

Cats are lovable pets - just ask a cat lover! If you want a friend for life, check out our list of the top 10 friendliest cat breeds.

Best Raw Cat Foods

Raw cat foods are a healthy alternative to commercial pet foods laden with artificial ingredients and cheap fillers that could seriously harm your pet.

Couple Offers $100,000 For Return of Record-Breaking Cats

A house fire left a Farmington, Michigan couple with only the clothes on their backs, and their Guinness World Record cats missing.

Helpful Tips for Giving Your Cat a Pill

When your kitty doesn't want to take his meds, it can be a tough pill to swallow. Here are a few tips that will make it go down easier.

Best Catnip Toys

Cats love toys and they love catnip. Put the two together and you've got one happy kitty! Here's our list of the best catnip toys.�

Belgium Mandates Sterilization For All Cats

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Cats and Coffee: The CatWise Cat Café Tour

Have a seat, grab a coffee and get ready to talk cats with cat behaviorist Pam Johnson-Bennett. The CatWise Cat Cafe Tour is coming to a city near you!

Why is My Cat Peeing Outside the Litter Box?

Is your cat peeing outside the litter box and you don't know what to do about it? The key to fixing the problem is to understand why she's doing it.

Study: Cats’ Personalities May Be Mirrors Of Their Human Parents’

Pets are family, so it stands to reason our furry family members are a lot like us, right? A new study from the United Kingdom suggests that’s true for…

5 Colorful Facts About Calico Cats

It's not a type of cat - it's a type of cat coat. Boasting three beautiful colors, calico cats make a bold statement, and here are five of them.

Drop Dead Gorgeous: Cat Grooming Basics You Need To Know

Such a pretty kitty! Here’s how to keep your cat looking her best. Although cats are fastidious groomers on their own and you rarely, if ever, have to…

Could This Be the Secret to Why Cats Knock Stuff Over?

A feline researcher revealed the reason why cats have the strong urge to knock over your belongings- and it makes perfect sense.

NY Cat Convention Promises to Wow Kitty Pawrents

If you are a kitty parent or just love felines and want to flaunt it, there's no better place to be than the Catsbury Park Cat Convention!

How To Discipline A Cat (Without Losing Your Mind!)

We know it's hard to believe, but cats can misbehave on occasion (What?!). It's true - here's how to discipline a cat and help you break bad kitty habits.

5 Pawstive Reasons Why Cats Steal Our Hearts

One minute he's aloof, the next, he's curled up purring on your lap. Any cat person will talk your ear off about how a cat can steal your heart.

Best Hypoallergenic Cat Food

Hypoallergenic cat food is formulated to meet the needs of cats with food sensitivities and eliminate common allergens from the mix.

Cats on Laps Shelter Animals Bring Senior Citizens Special Love

An animal shelter in Bangor, Maine is using adoptable cats to bring lots of furry love to seniors who aren't able to have pets of their own.

How Much Does Your Cat Remember?

Just like elephants, it turns out that cats have a good memory. According to research, cats remember a lot more than we thought they could.

Cat or Dog? Only His Groomer Knows For Sure.

Is he a dog or is he a cat? Only his groomer knows for sure... which is a good thing, because his groomer happens to be his mom.

Why Do Felines Love Cat Trees?

Perching isn't just for the birds. Have you ever noticed how your kitty loves to climb up cat trees? Let's look at why cats love an indoor tree with a view!

Purrfect Match: Study Reveals Cats and Their Owners Share Personality

Researchers confirmed that cats and their owners tend to have similar characters- and that pet parents are drawn to their furry kindred spirits.

Best Cat Litter

Check out our comprehensive guide on best cat litter the market has to offer: from clay and crystals to wood to grass and wheat, we've covered all of them.

How to Choose the Right Scratching Post for Your Cat

A scratching post is an essential piece of feline furniture. But with so many to choose from, how do you know which one your cat will use?

Top 10 Long Haired Cat Breeds

These cats never have a bad hair day! Boasting downy soft and luxuriant locks, these long haired cat breeds are bushy balls of kitty goodness.

3 Amazing Reasons to Adopt a Special Needs Kitten or Cat

Special needs cats need love, too, but are commonly passed over for adoption at shelters. Here's why you should bring one home.

Essential Oils and Cats: A Few Precautions

Essential oils can provide a host of benefits. But if you have a cat, you'll want to know about if essential oils are safe to use.

Best Outdoor Cat Enclosures

Even if you have an indoor cat, sometimes the outdoors call! Let your cat enjoy nature in the safety of these outdoor cat enclosures.�

How to Properly Pet a Cat

There's a right way - and lots of wrong ways - to pet a cat. Keep your hand intact and your kitty purring by knowing what sweet spots to scratch.

Kitties and Purrsonality: Study Shows Cats Inherit Behavioral Traits F

The study revealed that not only that different breeds of cats have different behaviors, but also that those traits are highly heritable.

How Feline Behavior Can Change With Age

As cats get older, not only does their appearance alter, but their behavior can change, too. Here are some signs to look for as he nears his golden years.

“Giving Shelter” Art Exhibit Combines Creativity and Condos for Ho

Architects for Animals displayed its acclaimed 'Giving Shelter' exhibit recently, displaying unique outdoor dwellings for homeless cats.

Top 10 Meowy Catmas Gifts for Cats and Feline Fans

Feline Navidad! Got a kitty or a cat person on your holiday shopping list? Wrap up one of these meowy catmas gifts for cats and the people who love them.

Study: Declawing Cats Has Long-Term Impact on Behavior

New research shows that elective declaw surgeries increase the risk of long-term pain in cats, which can mean increased risks of cats behaving badly.

PyroPet Candles Burn Down Reveal A Cat’s Split Personality

A unique candle from PyroPet Candles showcases the duality of our feline friends with a surprise skeleton that literally comes out of the burning candle!

Hallmark Channel’s Kitten Bowl VI: Here Are Your Champs!

The highlight of any Super Bowl weekend isn’t about the Patriots winning (again, boring) but about the puppies and kittens ‘ruffing’ it up…

Cat-Napping On The Rise In The United Kingdom

Newly released figures show that cat thievery is alive and well in the UK, with a rise of 40 percent in the number of stolen cats reported.

Cat Nerds Rejoice! CatConLA is Back and More Cat-tastic Than Ever

If being around hundreds of cats and their kitty-obsessed parents sounds like a dream come true, head on over to CatConLA for two days of purrfection.